How to Get Weed Out of Your System and How Long Does It Take?

There is always a need to know how to get weed out of your system, especially for frequent drug users. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 15.2 million adults (7.2%) ages 26 and older and one in five (7.2 million) Americans ages 18 to 25 self-identified as marijuana users in the last decade. Substance abuse by employees at work can have a significant financial impact on businesses due to decreased output, higher absenteeism, and an increase in workplace accidents.

Approximately 46% of all employees currently state that their workplace conducts drug tests, although data from other sources suggests that up to 90% of Fortune 200 companies do drug tests. Organizations and workplaces require drug tests in various forms. In random testing, they test employees without notice, regardless of position or performance. This article will give detailed explanations for passing your weed drug tests by teaching you how to get THC out of your system.

how to get weed out of your system fast

How Long Does It Take for Weed to Be Cleared from the Body?

The terms “cannabis” and “marijuana” have different meanings despite being used interchangeably. Cannabis describes all the products derived from cannabis sativa. This cannabis plant has over 540 different chemical components. Marijuana, on the other hand, is a portion of cannabis sativa plants that contain a high concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is what is referred to as “weed” in Mexican terminology. The main component of marijuana that has an impact on a person’s mental health is THC. It is the primary psychoactive compound of weed, which enters the bloodstream through the lungs to other parts of the body. THC affects the activity of nerve cells in the brain. The receptors in the brain affected by this govern pleasure, memory, cognition, focus, sensory, and temporal perception.

Factors Affecting the Duration of THC in the Body

There are different factors that can affect the detection of THC after quitting, such as:

  • Age: Our bodies and minds start to function less quickly as we get older. A few of these modifications will impact the body’s processing of THC.
  • Body fat: Individuals with higher body fat percentage store more THC in their fat cells, resulting in a slower elimination rate of THC from the body.
  • Genetics: Individual genetics often affect the metabolism of marijuana in the bloodstream. Certain enzymes present in some people can accelerate the removal of marijuana.
  • Frequency of use: Heavy drug users who have quit will likely have detectable drugs in their bodies compared to light users.
  • Method of consumption: Smoking weed has significantly fewer effects than taking it as edibles. When ingested, the liver metabolizes it, making it last longer than when smoked.
  • Dosage: The time it takes for your body to rid itself of THC and its metabolites tends to rise with higher doses and more frequent use.

Debunking Myths About THC Detoxification

A person may be wondering, if I smoke once a week, how long till I’m clean? This might be determined by a variety of reasons, including personal preferences, employment screening requirements, or legal requirements.

While a lot of publications talk about timeframes and answer the question of how long does it take to get weed out of your system, there are more misconceptions than realities when it comes to finding out the fastest way to get THC out of your system. Let’s dispel a few myths:

  • Perspiration: It is not a novel concept to attempt to “sweat out toxins from the body.” This advice appears to be given to ‘flush it out’ for a variety of substances. Regretfully, you won’t notice an improvement in your metabolism from a few gym visits alone.
  • Detox tea: These teas have substances that mimic laxatives in the body. However, because of the hydrophobic nature of THC, the metabolism in the digestive tract won’t affect the amount of THC in your blood.
  • Weed detox kits: The active chemicals in different kit brands differ. Since there is no regulation in the cannabis detox kit industry, the products are untested and have no guarantee of effectiveness.

How Long Does Weed Stay in the System After Quitting?  

Understanding the many drug testing techniques and their corresponding detection windows is crucial when attempting to ascertain how long THC remains in your system. Below is a summary of the most popular test types, along with their sensitivity, accuracy, and detection windows:

Test Type Detection Window Sensitivity and Accuracy
Urine drug tests
  • Infrequent users: 3-5 days
  • Heavy users: 1-15 days
  • Chronic users with high fat: 1-30 days
Highly sensitive and accurate
Hair follicle drug test Single-use for up to 90 days Very sensitive
Saliva swab test 72 hours Lower cut-off marks help sensitivity
Blood drug test
  • 12-24 hours generally
  • Heavy use: 1-7 days
Average sensitivity

How Long Does 5mg of THC Stay in Your System?

This is the average amount consumed by daily users. It will be detected in your urine for up to 7 days, maximum. It is also important to note that 5 mg smoked does not provide a similar effect to that ingested. Edible marijuana is detected for longer periods than that which is smoked. The role of varying metabolism cannot be understated either.

What Are the Best THC Detox Methods?

Drug detox kits were developed for those who hoped to receive a negative drug test result on a urine test quickly. They are available to assist those who have recently taken drugs in producing a sample that is free of any evidence of drug use. Manufacturers of drug detox assert that their products ensure a negative drug test, some even claim that kits are one of the ways to clean out your system in 24 hours; nevertheless, there is a dearth of scientific research to support these claims.

Detox Drinks

Detox drinks are useful because they aid the body’s removal of extra water from the system. They temporarily remove a considerable percentage of THC from the body in less than 90 minutes of taking them because they dilute the urine. When the window closes, THC is detectable again in urine because it has been filtered back into the blood by the kidneys. Detoxify Mega Clean is a type of detox drink that is highly recommended for its effectiveness and its friendly cost.

Detox Pills

The components of detox pills are vitamins and supplements. There are no components in them that will interfere with the body’s functions to detox THC right away. Detoxification with detox pills is easy because they are made of natural substances. Toxin Rid detox pill comes highly recommended and has many glowing reviews. Its effects set in quickly, which is great for use in situations where you don’t have much time to prepare for your drug test. This does not make it the quickest way to get weed out of your system, but it might be worth a shot.

Home Remedies for THC Detox

Home-made remedies are often not the go-to solution for THC detox; however, some home remedies have been recommended.

  • Cranberry Juice: While there are numerous health advantages to consuming cranberry juice, it won’t aid in THC elimination for reasons similar to water detox. It contains vitamins C and e which help to boost the immune system but scientific relation with detox from marijuana. Despite the abundance of online advice, there is no significant evidence to back it up in relation to its role in detoxification.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Many say that you can rapidly detox from marijuana by sipping a tiny glass of this acidic mixture. Nevertheless, there is no evidence to support this idea, and consuming vinegar raises the risk of hyponatremia, which can be fatal if left untreated.

Water Consumption and Its Limitations in Detox

When you hear “drink lots of water,” you think that you need to drink enough water for any drugs and alcohol to leave your system, right? False. THC is hydrophobic; water cannot absorb it and flush it out of the body. Therefore, drinking a lot of water won’t help you detox from cannabis more quickly. In addition, there is a potential that if you are asked to undergo a urine drug test, your urine will be so diluted that it does not contain the enzymes required for laboratory analysis.

How to Get Weed Out of Your System Fast?

Apart from the routine detox program used to get rid of weed from the body system, there are other ways to ensure you have a weed-free body system.

  1. High-fiber diet: Diets rich in fiber enhance digestion. This in turn promotes the excretion of body waste and toxins like drugs from the body system.
  2. High liquid intake: An increase in fluid intake helps the kidneys continually push out body waste and toxins. The liquid intake could include water, coffee, detox teas, natural detox, and other healthy fluid products.
  3. Exercise: The cells of the body, especially muscle cells, die and replicate during exercise. Muscle cells store toxins, including weed, which are later expelled and excreted in the form of sweat and urine.

Choosing The Best THC Detox Methods

THC detox methods are enormous, with varying degrees of effectiveness depending on different factors. Here are some important factors to consider before choosing the detox option for you:

  1. Test Type: Different methods can be used to perform drug tests for THC, including urine, saliva, hair, and blood samples. These different media have varying detection windows, which is necessary to understand before picking a detox method.
  2. Product’s Onset of Action: Some products are effective for quick tests with a short duration of use, while others might require a longer time to produce an effective result in the detox process.
  3. THC Exposure: Heavy drug users will often require more time and high-dose detox products to ensure their effectiveness for the drug test. Meanwhile, light drug users might not require such high doses and a longer period of time compared to heavy users.
  4. Brand Reputation: You should go with brands that have high-quality credibility from their users compared to those who have negative or no reviews.
  5. Product Ingredients: Consumers mostly prefer products with natural, healthy ingredients over others. Some tests can detect synthetic ingredients; therefore, ingredients must be safe and effective.
  6. Product Usage:  The ease of using a detox product is also important in determining its effectiveness. When picking a product, it is essential to look out for ease of use, as this will also determine the effectiveness of the product.
  7. Uniqueness of Product: Some products are more advantageous than others in terms of different specifications. Check out the different products and the advantages of one over the other before finally picking the one to go with.
  8. Cost: The price for weed detox products varies. As much as effectiveness and quality matter, watch out for a product that matches your budget. It has to be affordable for you to purchase and use it.

Tips For Passing A Drug Test

Passing a drug test comes with a variety of factors. One of them is the method for the test screening. Here are some tips specific to the different methods for drug testing:

  • Urine Tests: A urine drug test is one of the most common methods used for drug testing. Somebody can successfully pass a urine drug test by using detox methods such as Certo Sure Jell + Gatorade or a detox drink. Each of these methods does not detox but masks THC during a urine drug test. Also, dilution with the use of water and B vitamins increases the metabolic rate of the body, thereby expelling more toxins via urine. Another method would be to substitute the urine submitted for laboratory analysis with synthetic urine. The use of adulterants acts as an additive that helps mask THC.
  • Hair Tests: This method involves the use of hair follicles to analyze the presence of weed. Some products can be used to pass this test successfully, such as vinegar, salicylic acid acne treatment products, liquid detergent, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, and a standard store-bought dying kit. The standard store-bought kit is similar to the Macujo method of detox, which is commonly used but is less invasive and less predictable. Drug metabolites are also removed or masked by shampoos and hair treatments.
  • Saliva and Blood Tests: Saliva and blood drug tests are less common. This is because taking a saliva sample is less reliable compared to other types of drug tests. For saliva tests, taking things such as pizza and hydrogen peroxide helps to eliminate toxins. Pizza contains lots of fat, which binds with THC, and hydrogen peroxide eliminates the remnants of it in the mouth. Temporary abstinence from drug use is still the most reliable method.

Risks and Legality

For every method used to get weed out of your system, it is important to ensure that your methods are within the laws of the state. For example, some states in the US prohibit the sale and use of synthetic urine. If you use this method in such states, it can result in legal consequences, affecting your employment in the case of a job-related drug test. These risks exist, and it’s essential to tread with caution as appropriate. Understand what the laws of your state say and get to know how to remove weed from your system in the most effective yet safe and legal way.


The removal of weed from the body is an important concern for most drug users who require a drug test. THC removal from the body involves a complex process that requires patience and a realistic method of detox. In most cases, there are a range of factors that can influence how the detoxification process will go. The method of use, frequency of drug use, and type of drug test requested can affect the effectiveness of detoxification processes.

In order to ensure a more effective and safe detox process, it is essential to understand how detoxification works and the safety measures to put in place while carrying out the process. Also, the availability of detox centers can help with the detoxification process by using reliable, practical, and safe methods. The use of these rehabilitation centers will always reflect effectiveness and professionalism. If you have enough time before your drug test, this professional detox facility will provide long-lasting and effective benefits for its users.